by Stephen Bowden, Chartered Ergonomist for Morgan Maxwell
A Chartered Ergonomist is required to have broad skills, knowledge and experience within Ergonomics and Human Factors and can be found via the membership of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factor (CIEHF). He or she would of been assessed by the CIEHF to ensure they meet their high standards and requirements.
The CIEHF which was officially created on 17th September 1949 is responsible for registering all applications for individuals to become Chartered. At the beginning of 2015 the IEHF became the CIEHF. The Royal Charter grants the right of the institute to award the protected status “Chartered Ergonomist and Human Factors Specialist (C.ErgHF)”
Eligibility Check List for Chartered Status
All Chartered Ergonomists need to meet an eligibility check which consists of the following:
- Have a National Qualification Framework (NQF) level 6 which equates to a graduate degree, a BTEC level 6 or an NVQ level 4.
- Have at least an awareness of all competencies in the CIEHF Professional Competency Guidance.
- Have carried out at least 10 significant ergonomics/ human factors activities or projects since graduation.
- Have at least 3 documented examples of my work such as final reports.
- Can provide (or have recently provided) an up-to-date CPD record as part of the application.
- Can find referees who are Registered Members or Fellows of the CIEHF (or equivalent in a related professional body), and at least 1 of whom works outside thier organisation.
- Will abide by the code of professional conduct.
For applicants who have a mentor and have graduated from a Qualifying Course:
- Have a minimum of 3 years’ experience, with at least 1 year of mentored supervision (at least 150 days).
- Can find 2 referees.
For applicants who have a mentor and have not graduated from a Qualifying Course:
- Have a minimum of 4 years’ experience, with at least 2 years of mentored supervision (at least 300 days).
- Can find 2 referees.
For applicants who do not have a mentor, whether or not they have graduated from a Qualifying Course:
- I have a minimum of 6 years’ experience.
- I can find 3 referees.
Taken from Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors. 2018. Registered Member. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.ergonomics.org.uk/Public/Membership/Registered_Member/Public/Membership/Registered_Member.aspx?hkey=32fc9cb9-6d12-45fd-a3cb-8063e4c256f4. [Accessed 8 June 2018].
Competencies Checklist for Chartered Status
A Professional Competencies Checklist is used by the CIEHF to guide individuals. They include:
1. Ergonomics/Human Factors (E/HF) principles
2. Ergonomics/Human Factors (E/HF) theory and practice
3. Human capabilities and limitations
4. Design and development of systems
5. Professional skills and implementation
If you are looking for support within Ergonomics and Human Factors it is advisable to speak to a Chartered Ergonomist who has met the requirements of the CIEHF. Expertise can range from Healthcare, Manufacturing, Defence, Energy, Transport and Office Ergonomics.
More information around Ergonomics, Human Factors and becoming a Chartered Ergonomist can be found at the CIEHF website.